Tame Impala ‘Slow Rush’ Tour Visuals
The Slow Rush Tour is an impressive beast to behold. The huge video screen dwarfs the band like the hull of a spaceship. The light show turns the stadium into a hallucinogenic theme park. All of the rules of colour theory are swiftly chucked out and rewritten. Kevin and the band mingle in the shadows of an intimate indie gig, casting magical moog spells into the ether, while everything kicks off 200 metres away.
So sad that this show was cut in it’s tracks; those few who got to see it were very lucky indeed. I was really proud to have worked on this, creating content for the tracks ‘New Person, Same Old Mistakes’and ‘Borderline’. I was given quite a bit of creative freedom to really push things, and presented (for New Person) the idea of a kind of mini organism (don’t say virus!) that continually spins on it’s axis and morphs into an intergalactic planet. For Borderline, based on Kevin’s initial (pretty damn amazing) ideas of a kind of thermonuclear tourist armegeddon, I presented a gloopy psychadelic DayGlo lava that oozes out into the planetary water cycle, whilst the universe slowly explodes.

Project credits.
Produced by: Tom Colbourne
Directed by: Ben Ib
Post production (CGI, Edit, Animation,Compositing): Ben Ib